Support is a strange thing. There is ‘verbal, going-through-the-motions support, and there is SUPPORT. 

I experienced a ton of SUPPORT right after my launch. Boatloads of excited, loving, rah-rah texts, social media messages, and even a few amazing, out-of-the-blue calls. 

People I’ve not connected with for years reached out with abandon, no thought or concern of time or distance. It felt amazing. It made me tingle with a feeling of really being alive… almost like a zing – a wake-up call – that I did have a community, present or not, who fully supported this journey I decided to embark on. 

It was such an unexpected twist… a win for my soul.

But then there were the ‘verbal, going-through-the-motions support… from people I assumed would be in SUPPORT…. And it leaves me with an odd feeling that I just can’t put my finger on. 

Kind of like if you started a new job and your family – your closest peeps – decided not to rally in support of the undertaking you were about to embark on…or even chose to remain silent. Either way, they didn’t offer up much at all. 

That kind of support doesn’t feel swell to me. It kinda blows, if I am honest. It almost feels like they don’t want me to succeed.

I believe myself to be a giver. Whether in my head or not, this is what I believe. And as a giver, I have a difficult time comprehending NOT being in full support of something like this… or not even like this at all… hell, someone can say, “I don’t know how to do blank…” and my brain starts to whirl with ways I can help them succeed in whatever… LITERALLY WHATEVER.

“So what’s the point, lady?”

The point is — Consider SUPPORTING your people regardless of your possible insecurities around them winning at something. Please support them in finding new ways to be better, get better, and do better. Support them even when you are jealous of where they are headed or even if you are scared that they may leave your life when they find success. Fuel their desire to want to improve… and truly cheer them on when they try to kick some ass in life. 

Let’s all celebrate each other. Let’s help each other improve, be a success story, and live more enriched lives. 

As I finish this little food for thought post, I am struck with two things: the reality that this may not even be seen by those I am speaking to…, and maybe I should take a closer look to see who I may not be showing up for.


— The Essentialyst


